Nahj Al Balagha Français - La

by Fabrice Hamza

Books & Reference


By the height of its level, the global character of the daily problems that it deals with, this work is not comparable to any other, after the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, nor in the magnificent description of the various aspects and characteristics of the life, exhaustive description by which Alî stands out alone among the companions of the Prophet on the subject of the creation of the sky, the earth and the angels, nor in the personification of the day of the Last Judgment which makes the body shudder and confuses the mind.To this can be added the proverbs and maxims which have nourished generations of sages and saints through the centuries and particularly today.It is enough for you, dear reader, to know that the author of the words written in this work, is the one who lived under the roof of the Prophet and received wisdom from it day after day.These words are methodically formulated into speeches and sermons of a very high level of Arab eloquence. We tried to make them at such a high level in French. However, we will refrain from praising it, leaving it to the attentive reader to judge the value of this great and precious work.Samih Atef El-Zein